Consuming HANA Models in BW, New breed of info Providers
We have 4 ways to make use of HANA data in BW.
Virtual providers
Virtual providers which are
actually meant for real-time reposting based on data from OLTP systems directly
(the whole data loading into Datasource, DTP execution and loading into
infosource happens just right when query is executed in real time) can be used
for consuming analytic/calculation views in BW.
When we create
virtual providers we have new option “Based on HANA”, which will ask you to
input schema name and model name. Once model is selected then we start with
modelling process in workbench. We have to select characteristics, key figures
for our virtual info provider. Then we can map these to fields from HANA model
(F4 help is provided). Here by providing BW Infoobjects will can make use of BW
master data while reporting. That’s all and
virtual provider is ready for consumption using reporting tools.
Transient providers
This infoprovider is actually
meant for ad-hoc reporting by users on OLTP system directly. For these infoprovider,
BW modelling is not required hence no mapping of infoobjects; also these IP can’t
be transported. There are best suitable for ad-hoc reporting where in model
scenario changes frequently.
will use this IP to publish HANA models to SAP BW. As this process is very
simple, users can these IP easily and they run faster as data resides in HANA. When
a model is published, its structure is read and an analytic index is created. Based
on this analytic index, transient provider and consequently reporting can be
Go to Tcode RSDD_HM_PUBLISH. Select model
from any schema. You can assign characteristic, key figure info objects. If you
want to make use of BW master data. Once an analytic index is created,
corresponding IP name will be displayed.
Composite provider
Composite provider can be used to
combine data from SAP BW schemas and HANA models. We will build analytic index/transient
providers and BW cubes initially.
Then go to Tcode RSLIMO and start
creating composite IP. Select Analytic index and Cube and Drop onto pane. Say ok
to “join and Union”. You can select currency from characteristic to refer to a
key figure. Then composite IP is ready for reporting. You can also select UNION
with constant value for an attribute, however in this case UNION accepts only
two input parameters.
Loading HANA via DBCONNECT into BW
If treat HANA as source system for
BW (your BW system might be running on another DB also) then we can create
DBCONNECT connection to HANA and can create Datasources against models in any
schema. Then we can load data into BW from any model. We can create virtual
providers to make used HANA data or design data flows using DSO as normal. In other
words we are treating HANA as source system like ERP, CRM etc. in this scenario.
Making use of HANA in various scenarios
If an ERP system is running in
HANA or SAY BY Design running in HANA, then we can use ODP framework to extract
data from ERP to BW. Also master data for infoobjects cane be loaded from
attribute views. By making use of HANA data provisioning capabilities like SLT,
SAP BODS we can get data in real time/ from heterogeneous sources and load
eventually into BW for modelling.
If your BW system is running on
HANA and ERP system is running on some other database, we can connect HANA as
secondary database and replicate data into HANA at regular intervals. By setting
this up, we can push all data intensive/slow response reports to hit HANA DB
making TIME-OUT errors, a no possibility in ERP system.
Hence if HANA is used anywhere in
your landscape, you can still make use of it.
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